Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Emerson's Child

                            It has been almost 2 weeks since the presidential election. In this election there were two candidates who you could say not a lot of people were very pleased about. But we still had to pick a new president for our country and for our future. The two candidates were Hillary Clinton (democrat) and Donald Trump (republican). To many peoples' shock, Donald Trump won the election. He will be our next president starting in January.
                        I believe that Emerson's thought on the election would almost be a positive one. He probably wouldn't of liked what the presidential candidates were saying. But Emerson would've liked that they were being themselves. He was a big believer on people being themselves and not straying from it. Emerson wanted people to be their true selves and show the whole world that.             


      dog animals cute no sorry            
 *first I would like to say sorry for not updating in such a LONG time, but that is about to change*